We can have the Solr session when and wherever! :)   Organizers - feel free to 
move it however it fits best.

Related: With all of those pre-conferences, it looks like there'll need to be 6 
rooms but the page says 4 (admittedly 4+ it says)


On Nov 28, 2012, at 16:23 , Bess Sadler wrote:

> On Nov 28, 2012, at 1:04 PM, Shaun Ellis <sha...@princeton.edu> wrote:
>> In that respect, I would suggest the preconference hackfests/workshops that 
>> involve some kind of pair programming with experienced/inexperienced 
>> hackers, which could follow up into a mentor relationship outside of the 
>> conference.  I do like the idea of mentor/mentee speed-dating to align 
>> interests, but in this sense, the workshop/hackfest you sign up for kind of 
>> does that for you (assuming all the preconference proposals[1] are actually 
>> going to happen).
>> [1] http://wiki.code4lib.org/index.php/2013_preconference_proposals
>> -Shaun
> My understanding is that all of the pre-conference proposals are going to 
> happen (note to self: ask Erik Hatcher whether the evening solr session could 
> happen at a bar somewhere). The RailsBridge workshop in particular is aimed 
> at folks who are new to Rails and perhaps new to programming in general, and 
> RailsBridge as a thing was started as a way to bring more women into tech. If 
> anyone is interested in helping out at the RailsBridge session, or at the 
> Blacklight-tailored-for-RailsBridge session in the afternoon, please join us! 
> Workshops like this can never have too many people walking the room to help 
> out, and if we had enough experienced folks, this would be a great 
> opportunity for pair programming and meeting potential mentors. 
> Bess

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