What’s up everyone,


We are homegrowing a study room reservation system and we’re within a week
of making it live—but still in beta—to the public. Right now, on our staging
box, our URI looks like something.library.nova.edu/room-res. /room-res
doesn’t mean anything, to me. The public URI will be similarly long, like


Any recommendations or experience with your own reservation links? IMHO, it
should be simple, since the link is already going to be on the long end.
Right now I’m vying for /reservations, but TBH this system is just for
public study rooms and not for our larger conference rooms – I’m not sure
our primary users [the students and faculty] will care, but we’ll definitely
be reminded of that technicality by other librarians J. I don’t like
/studyrooms, but it’s the best I’ve got since I’m avoiding hyphens.


Just picking your brains. Thanks! 


Michael Schofield(@nova.edu) | @gollydamn | Front-End Librarian à



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