As the Code4Lib LISTSERV manager, I am able to make a number of antidotal 
mailing list observations from the past few weeks:

  * The volume of mailing list traffic always surges just before the annual 
meeting, but the conversation this time around was much broader than in 
previous years. This time around it was much more about community, codes of 
behavior, and discussions of values. Not all points of view were expressed, but 
what was expressed seemed to naturally be the consensus of the group. What is 
especially interesting to me is that there is very little formal governance in 
our community, and yet things move along just fine. This seems anomalous 
compared to other groups in which I belong, especially in Library Land.

  * The number of subscribers has increased. Sure, there were a few people who 
unsubscribed, but for every one unsubscriber I believe there were three or four 
subscribers. Most of them were female.

  * Many lurkers came out of the woodwork over the past few week. Very nice. 
Very interesting. Very encouraging.

  * Finally, I might make a judgement here, but in my experience, mailing lists 
that surround communities as opposed to technologies seem to thrive and have a 
longer lasting, more evolving life. Compare Code4Lib with NGC4Lib, XML4Lib, and 

'Just some rambling, antidotal observations.

University of Notre Dame

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