It might be worth considering the Annotum theme for Wordpress, meant to do just 


Jason Stirnaman
Digital Projects Librarian
A.R. Dykes Library
University of Kansas Medical Center

From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of Tom Keays 
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 9:27 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Help with WordPress for Code4Lib Journal

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Ross Singer <> wrote:

> Seriously, folks, if we can't even figure out how to upgrade our Drupal
> instance to a version that was released this decade, we shouldn't be
> discussing *new* implementations of *anything* that we have to host
> ourselves.

Not being one to waste a perfectly good segue...

The Code4Lib Journal runs on WordPress. This was a decision made by the
editorial board at the time (2007) and by and large it was a good one. Over
time, one of the board members offered his technical expertise to build a
few custom plugins that would streamline the workflow for publishing the
journal. Out of the "box", WordPress is designed to publish a string of
individual articles, but we wanted to publish issues in a more traditional
model, with all the issues published at one time and arranged in the issue
is a specific order. We could (and have done) all this manually, but having
the plugin has been a real boon for us.

The Issue Manager plugin that he wrote provided the mechanism for:
a) preventing articles from being published prematurely,
b) identifying and arranging a set of final (pending) articles into an
issue, and
c) publishing that issue at the desired time.

That person is no longer on the Journal editorial board and upkeep of the
plugin has not been maintained since he left. We're now several
WordPress releases
behind, mainly because we delayed upgrading until we could test if doing so
would break the plugins. We have now tested, and it did. I won't bore you
with the details, but if we want to continue using the plugin to manage our
workflow, we need help.

Is there anybody out there with experience writing WordPress plugins that
would be willing to work with me to diagnose what has changed in the
WordPress codex that is causing the problems and maybe help me understand
how to prevent this from happening again with future releases?

Tom Keays /

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