Shaun Ellis <>
> On 12/3/12 2:14 PM, MJ Ray wrote:
> > This listserv looks threaded to me.  Maybe you need to upgrade
> > Thunderbird, although I could have sworn it's done threaded for
> > a while now.
> Whether or not people would use such a tool in addition to the listserv, 
> I don't know.  Vote to Promote requires a critical mass to make it 
> worthwhile, but it's hard to gauge actual support without testing it.

Need it be "in addition to the listserv"?  What prevents making a
view of the list archives that adds a vote to promote features?

I'm a bit suspicious of such a thing, as it sounds dangerously
like it could easily become mob rule, Whuffie or another /. but
give it a go if you like, if you can do it without detracting
from the existing fora.  (Not that my blessing matters.)

> > Unless you do something pretty silly - like insisting everyone
> > register with github
> Unfortunately, in order to collaborate on the anti-harrassment policy, 
> you do need to have a github account, or lobby someone who does to make 
> a change for you. 

Really? I hoped if I wanted to do serious hacking, I could clone it on and send a pull request.  If you use github *and
insist everyone else does* then you lose all the decentralised networked
collaboration benefits of git and it becomes a worse-and-better CVS.

> But I think most would agree that's better than 
> hashing out such details on this list.

Maybe, but most haven't read the github terms of service :-( I don't
want to get into a full list of its problems right now, but things
like "legal full name" shouldn't be required.  In the context of this
discussion, won't that mean that most genders and some other minority
attributes are going to be obvious and it'll discourage some people
who mostly use abbreviated names, nicknames or pseudonyms to hide

So use github if you want to, but can we keep the door open to
collaboration from other git servers too, please?

MJ Ray (slef), member of, a for-more-than-profit co-op. supporter, web and library systems developer.
In My Opinion Only: see
Available for hire (including development) at

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