On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 11:50:38AM -0500, Levy, Michael wrote:
> For our commercial ILS, of course SolrMarc was the thing. I started with
> the default Blacklight configuration and customized that. The MARC export
> is completely updated nightly.
> The collections management system provided a Java API, and programmers here
> (not me) created a Solr XML file, created nightly and updated into Solr.
> For the two desktop database applications that power the photo archives and
> film and video archives, a programmer here created PHP interfaces to create
> a Solr XML file which is updated nightly. Same with the custom MSSQL
> application that sources the "Names Source" type records -- a PHP script
> runs nightly to create the Solr XML.
> Another interesting feature is that some records are for internal display
> only. There's an intranet version on a server on our LAN and another on a
> web server. For each record, a Solr field  indicates whether it's OK for
> web exposure. I had to decide whether it made more sense to maintain two
> Solr indexes or a single Solr instance and decided on a single Solr
> instance. I was able to use some Blacklight configuration
> (config.default_solr_params and config.default_document_solr_params) to
> ensure those are filtered out. In addition, certain fields and certain
> facets are only displayed on the internal version. The switching is done in
> catalog_controller.rb based on where the application is sitting (via
> Rails.root). A few differences are also based on where the user is sitting
> (e.g. a user on our LAN viewing the public web version will get streaming
> media from our LAN and not from our streaming host).

You're doing this wrong if this is not an article on code4lib journal.

I'd read it! :-)


There are people so addicted to exaggeration
that they can't tell the truth without lying.
                -- Josh Billings

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