Under general direction, managesselection, licensing and
implementation of electronicfor
the JuneauPublic Libraries.

* Identifiesnew resources, sets uptrials, coordinatesstaff evaluation process, 
recommendspurchase, and negotiates license termsfor databasesand programs.  
* Participatesin planning and implementation of electronic resource sharing 
projects with other librariesaround the state.  
Leadsprogram team to
developeducational and outreach
programsand online resources.

* Producesand coordinatesinnovative online contentto deliver library 
serviceseffectively by non­traditionalmethods.  
* Developsonline tutorials, preparesand conducts classes.  
* Worksone-­on-­one with adultand staff to introduce new technologies, such 
asuse of e­readers, library mobile apps, and new databases.  
Managesprojects thatenhance library
programsand extend the scope of technology in the library.
May seek grant opportunitiesand write
grants. Examplesof recentand ongoing
projects include:

* Managing an enhanced broadband projectwith the Alaska State Library;  
* Managing the federal e­rate application and reporting process;  
* Assisting the Library Director to prepare a grantfor new library 
Worksregular shifts at public service
deskswith major reference responsibilities.
Providesreference backupfor other
library staff as well astechnology
assistance to staff and public.


Education: Master of Library Science, Master of Library
 Information Science, or equivalent
degree from an American Library Association accredited

SUBSTITUTION: A Bachelor'sdegree including some course work
inlibrary or information science, media services, or a
closely related field; AND one (1) year of experience asa

Experience: The preferred candidate will
have recent MLS/MLIS coursework or experience in the use
and organization of

Desirable: Supervisory experience in a
library environment is desirable.
Experiences maintain records in a
bibliographic database are desirable. Experience in the configuration of
databases and network connections; ability to use
HTML and other webpublication tools;
familiarity with data collection and survey instruments, both paper and
online; experience organizing and
presenting programsand/or classesfor the
public. Demonstrated oral and written communication
skills and dedication to public service;
ability to work cooperatively with colleagues, co­workers,
and public is essential.

Employee must have accessto reliable transportation
toself to library branches.

NOTE: Thisa benefited position. For
more detailsbenefits, please
visitthe following

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