Ingrid --

Thanks for announcing your software.  I've added an entry for it on FOSS4Lib:

You (or anyone else) and update/augment the entry by signing up for a new 
account and editing the page.


On Jan 2, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Ingrid Mason <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Apologies for broadcast.  After shunting this message down various
> listservs to my heart's content, I thought I should pop an email out to the
> library coding community that might be interested in a tool we developed
> last year with funding from the Australian National Data
> Service<>.
> The tool is though likely to come in useful for those in the cultural
> heritage or research sectors liaising with data or information producers.
> The tool (ExSite9 <>) is designed for
> anyone capturing data in the field, that wants to create collection (at
> minimum for convenience) and item level metadata (often more desirable for
> researchers or creatives) and bundle that up as a submission information
> package (SIP viz OAIS model) to transfer to a digital repository or
> archive.
> Exsite9 could be used in association with collections of material digitised
> in a workflow or with digital archives coming in on hard drives.  The code
> can be downloaded from the Intersect Australia GitHub
> space<>along with a swag
> of other applications developed and made open source
> thanks to ANDS funding (and federal stimulus spending).
> Good wishes, Ingrid
> ps. any replies or questions to: (I use this
> gmail a/c for lists)

Peter Murray
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