
If you are interested in Drupal's future as a platform attending the barcamp 
might give you a good idea where it is headed in the future given that the 
session moderaters have nicely arranged for Larry Garfield, the the head of 
Drupal 8's Web Services Initiative http://groups.drupal.org/wscci, to drop in 
for a portion of the day. 


 From: David Mayo <pobo...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] drupal barcamp or railsbridge?
Hello! Here's my two cents - for context, my day job has been coding on a
Rails app for the past four months or so, and before that, I worked on an
existing Drupal 6 installation for about a year.

Rails is pretty neat, but it's a framework (much as Drupal is).  If your
goal is to pick up things that you can use in your day-to-day job working
with a Drupal installation, it's probably not going to give you much - you
can't really write "a little bit of code" in Rails and apply it to another
framework, any more than you could write "a little bit of Drupal" and apply
it to a Rails app.

This isn't meant to push you away from the RailsBridge - I like Rails, and
if you're likely to be creating new web applications that are separate from
your Drupal install, it's definitely a worthwhile expenditure of time.  But
if you're looking for concrete things to take back to your day job, the
Drupal Barcamp might be more useful.

- Dave "Not an authority on anything" Mayo

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Paula Gray-Overtoom <
pgray...@monroe.lib.in.us> wrote:

> I’m very excited that I will be attending the Code4Lib conference this
> year.  This is my second one ever, so I still feel like a newbie.  Anyway,
> I’m having a super tough time deciding whether to attend the Drupal or
> RailsBridge pre-conference programs.  I’d love some feedback from some of
> you about which experience you think would be a good fit for me.  I’m the
> one and only web person at my library.  I have a Drupal 6 install for our
> public site and a Drupal 7 install for our intranet.  So, of course I am
> interested in Drupal.  As the web person though, it is my job to be able to
> write bits of code in Perl, PHP or whatever to make sure that our site is
> customized for a smooth experience for our staff and patrons.  So, I’m also
> intrigued by the RailsBridge session and would be an absolute beginner
> there.  I know the final decision is up to me, but I’m hoping I can get
> some ideas from all of you about the best choice.
> Thanks,
> Paula
> Paula Gray-Overtoom
> Monroe County Public Library
> 303 E. Kirkwood Ave.
> Bloomington, IN 47408
> 812-349-3050
> www.mcpl.info

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