I do not regard threats of violence as "humor," particularly in the
context of discussing a proposal where vaguely defined "offensive"
speech would be deemed punishable. Such policies seldom allow "I was
only kidding" excuses for jokes, yet a suggestion about beating people
to a pulp is permissible? That's a serious double standard.

I do not need your permission to post to this thread or this list, Becky

On 1/25/13 11:01 AM, Becky Yoose wrote:
> You know folks...
> ...when it gets to the point where no one recognized that Ranti's
> comment about beating up someone might be an exaggeration - an attempt
> a humor, if you will -  to ask a real question (who do I report to if
> I'm being harassed at the conference)...
> and
> ... if you had to explain that beating a person up will need to
> involve the cops...
> and
> ... when multiple people posted multiple times, only to ask themselves
> why they're posting in the first place...
> and
> ... when folks keep talking and talking and nothing seems to happen
> with all this talking...
> and
> ... people rather post here and keep talking than actually do things,
> like, for example, someone going to the github repo and editing the
> anti-harassment policy or someone opening an issue/thread about
> defining terms...
> ... it might be a good time to stop posting to this thread.

Gary McGath, Professional Software Developer

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