For those who were looking for shuttle information:
The shuttle bus is being provided by UIC Transportation. I assume it
will be school bus type, as that's what they use for the campus shuttle.
We asked them to plan for a vehicle that could accommodate 40-50 people
per trip.
The shuttle bus will run every 15-20 minutes (traffic permitting)
between the Crowne Plaza and UIC Forum.
There will not be shuttle service on Monday, February 11.
The shuttle bus will run the following hours:
February 12: 7-9 a.m.; 5-7 p.m.
February 13: 7-9 a.m.; 5-7 p.m.
February 14: 7-9 a.m.; 12-2 p.m.
Further details about travel have been added to the wiki[1]
Abigail Goben
Assistant Information Services Librarian and Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago
Library of the Health Sciences - Chicago (M/C 763)
1750 W. Polk Street
Chicago, Illinois 60612