On Feb 15, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Kyle Banerjee wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 7:40 AM, Jason Griffey <grif...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The vast, vast, vast, vast majority of people have absolutely no clue how
>> code translates into instructions for the magic glowing screen they look at
>> all day. Even a tiny bit of empowerment in that arena can make huge
>> differences in productivity and communication abilities
> This is what it boils down to.
> C4l is dominated by linux based web apps. For people in a typical office
> setting, the technologies these involve are a lousy place to start learning
> to program. What most of them need is very different than what is discussed
> here and it depends heavily on their use case and environment.
> A bit of VBA, vbs, or some proprietary scripting language that interfaces
> with an app they use all the time to help with a small problem is a more
> realistic entry point for most people. However, discussion of such things
> is practically nonexistent here.

Well, as you mention that ... I'm one of the organizers of the 
DC-Baltimore Perl Workshop :


Last year, we targeted the beginner's track as a sort of 'Perl
as a second language', assuming that you already knew the basic
concepts of programming (what's a variable, an array, a function,

Would it be worth us aiming for an even lower level of expertise?


ps.  Students & the unemployed are free ... $25 before March 1st,
     $50 after; will be April 20th at U. Baltimore.  We're also
     in talks with a training company to have either another track
     of paid training or a separate day (likely Sunday); they
     wouldn't necessarily be Perl-specific.

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