-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Joe 
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] You *are* a coder. So what am I?

On Feb 18, 2013, at 11:17 AM, John Fereira wrote:

>> I suggested PHP primarily because I find it easy to read and understand and 
>> that's it's very commonly used.  Both Drupal and Wordpress are written in 
>> PHP and if we're talking about building web pages there are a lot of sites 
>> that use one of those as a CMS.

> And if you're forced to maintain one of those, then by all means, learn PHP 
> ... but please don't recommend that anyone learn it as a first language.

And the reason that I suggested PHP is that one is more likely going to be 
*forced* to learn PHP because it's so much more commonly used than something 
like Haskell, or R, or even Python.    


> I've looked at both good and bad perl code, some written some very 
> accomplished software developers, and I still don't like it.   I am not 
> personally interested in learning to make web pages (I've been making them 
> for 20 years) and have mostly dabbled in Ruby but suspect that I'll be doing 
> a lot more programming in Ruby (and will be attending the LibDevConX workshop 
> at Stanford next month where I'm sure we'll be discussing Hydra).   I'm also 
> somewhat familiar with Python but I just haven't found that many people are 
> using it in my institution (where I've worked for the past 15 years) to spend 
> any time learning more about it.  If you're going to suggest mainstream 
> languages I'm not sure how you can omit Java (though just mentioning the word 
> seems to scare people).

> It's *really* easy to omit Java:

>       http://www.recursivity.com/blog/2012/10/28/ides-are-a-language-smell/

I generally take articles like that with a large heaping of salt when it's 
fairly obvious that someone is biased against a specific language but that 
article seems to be more about using an IDE than using Java.  In any case, I 
really didn't start using an IDE (I wrote all my code using a unix text editor) 
until several years after I learned Java.

>You might as well ask why I didn't suggest C or assembler for beginners.  
>That's not to say that I haven't learned things from programming in those 
>languages >(and I've even applied tricks from Fortran and IDL in other 
>languages), but I wouldn't recommend any of those languages to someone who's 
>just learning to > program.

I remember when Pascal used to be the language of choice (actually, I remember 
when it was Basic) as an instructional programming language, but I cut my 
programming teeth using assembly language (more like the raw octal 
representation) and Fortran before I learned C.  


> (ps. I'm grumpier than usual today, as I've been trying to get hpn patched 
> openssh to compile under centos 6 ... so that it can be called by a java 
> daemon  that is called by another C program that dynamically generates python 
> and shell scripts ... and executes them but doesn't always check the exit 
> status ... this is one of those times when I wish some people hadn't learned 
> to program, so they'd just hire someone else to write it)

I feel your pain.  I've had plenty of days like that as well.

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