Actually, it's better to label confidential information with as big a
"CONFIDENTIAL" notice as possible.  This helps to prevent people
inadvertently passing the file on.  If you consistently label and sort
aside your confidential information to keep it out of most systems, even
out of your own hard drive, then you don't need to worry about security for
the system generally, and it will be much easier to identify later when
confidential information has been exposed.

I have access to some student information through my job, and I don't post
those files anywhere.  As I go along, I notice what's confidential, and
decide to either store it apart from other files or to delete it after
using it for the task at hand.  If I keep it, I put it in a separate area
of my computer, instead of with the project file that I got the information
in connection with.  That way, if I have to copy project documentation for
someone, I don't share anything that I couldn't share with the world.

And just to be clear, passwords aren't necessarily confidential.  I only
care about those, if the password would give someone access to something
they could mess up (ie. the database name and password for a public facing
website run by the library) or to confidential information (for me, in a
university, any information about students, but not much else).  I have
many passwords posted on a Drupal intranet, because they are passwords for
tools that don't give access to other systems, so there isn't much someone
could do with them.  For example, a password to get to a generic library
Google account that has viewing permissions to Google Analytics, but not
administrator permissions, isn't confidential.  I don't post it everywhere,
but I don't worry about keeping it secret.

-Wilhelmina Randtke

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Kyle Banerjee <>wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <>
> wrote:
> > Makes sense, thanks!  Although leaving account/password list unencrypted
> > on a shared drive seems potentially dangerous...
> Just make sure the file they're stored in is named something like "Meeting
> minutes for [insert name of most boring and dreaded committee at your local
> institution]." If it makes you feel safer, put the data in the middle of
> some _real_ meeting minutes... ;)
> Realistically speaking, unless you really have things locked down tight (in
> which case it's hard as heck to collaborate which makes everyone take their
> real work to dropbox and google as well as short circuit whatever security
> is in place), anyone who has access to your drives has so much access to
> sensitive data as well as the capability for whatever mischief that there
> are few institutional accounts that would really give them the ability to
> do much more than they already can.
> kyle

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