Fiji[1] has a Weka segmentation plugin[2] that may be useful.



On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Scot Thomas Dalton <>wrote:

> Fiji[1] has a Weka segmentation plugin[2] that may be useful.
> Thanks,
> Scot
> [1]
> [2]
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Kyle Banerjee <>wrote:
>> I know about Google goggles, but I need something I can train using lesser
>> known features (i.e. local stuff that's important to us but that others
>> don't really know about) to help with processing of archival photographs.
>> Does such software exist in a form that would be accessible to libraries?
>> Thanks,
>> kyle
>> --
>> Scot Dalton
>> Phone: 212.998.2674
>> Web Development
>> Division of Libraries
>> New York University

Scot Dalton
Phone: 212.998.2674
Web Development
Division of Libraries
New York University

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