May be of interest to some on this list:
Spring Evening Program May 23, 2013
Please join us for the NYTSL Spring meeting and program:
Visualizing the Digital Future: A Panel Presentation
Jefferson Bailey, Strategic Initiatives Manager, Metropolitan New York 
Library Council (METRO)
Jeffrey Lancaster, Emerging Technologies Coordinator, Science & 
Engineering Division, Columbia University Libraries
Jennifer Vinopal, Librarian for Digital Scholarship Initiatives, New York 
For this year’s Spring Program, our speakers will address new technologies 
and new tools. Jefferson will discuss and provide examples of data 
visualization, a relatively new field of activity in which information, 
often in the form of large data sets, is communicated efficiently through 
graphical means. Jeffrey will speak about new technologies and their 
library potential in the context of his work as the Emerging Technologies 
Coordinator in Columbia University’s Science and Engineering Libraries. 
Jennifer will describe some of the challenges and opportunities in 
building services for digital scholarship at NYU.
Please join us for what promises to be an interesting evening!
When: Thursday, May 23, 2013
Registration and Refreshments: 5:30pm
NYTSL Meeting, Elections, & Program: 6:30-8:00 PM
Where: The New York Public Library
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
South Court Auditorium
476 Fifth Avenue (at 42nd Street)
New York, NY 10018

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