Cool idea - Images in the Library of Congress Flickr pool have LCCNs - record 
numbers - but that kind of just takes you back to LoC's catalog - eg.

This lovely hand tinted cased image of a Civil War soldier & his wife on Flickr

includes this info - Liljenquist Family collection (Library of Congress) (DLC) 

which gets you to here:

If you know to go to LoC's catalog and search there.

I wonder if there's not more going on because many libraries, archives & 
museums feel that the images posted to Flickr are sort of "just for fun" and 
the real thing is at the institution?

my 2 cents and worth every penny.

On Jul 10, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Ethan Gruber wrote:

> There is an enormous body of open photographs contributed by a myriad of
> libraries and museums to flickr.  Is anyone aware of any efforts to
> associate machine tags with these photos, for example to georeference with
> geonames machine tags, tag people with VIAF ids, or categorize with LCSH
> ids?  A quick Google search turns up nothing.  There's a little bit of this
> going on with Pleiades ids for ancient geography (
>*/), but there's enormous
> potential in library-produced images.
> I think it would be incredibly powerful to aggregate images of manuscripts
> created by Thomas Jefferson (VIAF id: 41866059) across institutions that
> have digitized and uploaded them to flickr.
> Ethan
Debra Shapiro
UW-Madison SLIS
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