At Wed, 16 Oct 2013 11:06:02 -0700,
Walker, David wrote:
> Hi all,
> We're looking to put together a large policy document, and would
> like to be able to solicit feedback on the text from librarians and
> staff across two dozen institutions.
> We could just do that via email, of course. But I thought it might
> be better to have something web-based. A wiki is not the best
> solution here, as I don't want those providing feedback to be able
> to change the text itself, but rather just leave comments.
> My fall back plan is to just use Wordpress, breaking the document up
> into various pages or posts, which people can then comment on. But
> it seems to me there must be a better solutions here -- maybe one
> where people can leave comments in line with the text?

Hi David,

For the GPLv3 process, the Free Software Foundation developed a web
application named stet for annotating and commenting on a text.
Apparently the successor to that is considered co-ment [1] which has a
gratis “lite” version [2]. That might solve your need. I’ve never
tried it.

best, Erik

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