Python is a wonderful language in many respects. We use it instead of Ruby
in a number of projects, most notably in workflow for Digital
Preservation. I do know of a number of enterprise developers using it in a
web stack -- with Flask, with Werkzeug, with Twisted, with stuff I'm not
aware of, depends on scale and whom you ask -- or else Django. We do not
do so at this time. Ruby may be more broadly applicable in the present
library context, or, not. Unclear.

Python has a fairly strict diction and the present split existence between
2 and 3 can be annoying. But it's a useful language, increasingly used for
hosting other languages, and increasingly, fast despite all odds. Good for
toying with functional approaches.

Al Matthews

Software Developer, Digital Services Unit
Atlanta University Center, Robert W. Woodruff Library
email:; office: 1 404 978 2057

On 10/18/13 9:14 AM, "Joseph Umhauer" <> wrote:

>I'm considering taking on online course for programming using Python.
>But not sure if it would be useful in my work at an academic library.
>My question is:
>If you are using Python, what applications have you developed for your
>Joseph Umhauer
>Assistant Library Director for Technical Services
>Niagara University Library

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