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From: Cynthia Hodgson <<>>
Subject: [lita-l] Free LITA Post-Conference Tutorial on Forthcoming NISO 
ResourceSync Standard
Date: November 6, 2013 at 9:26:30 AM EST
To: LITA-L <<>>, 
Reply-To: "<>" 

Participants at the 2013 LITA Forum in Louisville are invited to stay a few 
hours longer on Sunday, November 10 to attend the ResourceSync 
Tutorial<>, which will be 
held after the close of the main conference from 1:30-4:30 p.m. Herbert van de 
Sompel<>, Co-chair of the ResourceSync 
Working Group, will lead this 3-hour session where attendees can learn about 
how the forthcoming ResourceSync standard<x-msg://24/ResourceSync%20standard> 
can be used to synchronize web resources between servers.
ResourceSync, begun in late 2011, is a joint project between NISO and the Open 
Archives Initiative (OAI) team, with funding from the Sloan Foundation. The 
standard, currently in final editing for approval, describes a synchronization 
framework for the web consisting of various capabilities that allow third-party 
systems to remain synchronized with a server's evolving resources. The 
capabilities can be combined in a modular manner to meet local or community 
requirements. This specification also describes how a server can advertise the 
synchronization capabilities it supports and how third-party systems can 
discover this information. The specification repurposes the document formats 
defined by the Sitemap protocol and introduces extensions for them.
This LITA post-conference tutorial is available at no cost. As we would 
appreciate knowing how many people are coming, please select the post 
conference checkbox on the registration 
You can also view the beta version of the specification 
<> and provide feedback on the 
ResourceSync Google Group<>. 
Visit the ResourceSync workroom 
webpage<> for more information about 
the project.

Cynthia Hodgson
Technical Editor / Consultant
National Information Standards Organization<>

Peter Murray
Assistant Director, Technology Services Development
+1 678-235-2955
800.999.8558 x2955

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