This is your final reminder to submit proposals for Code4Lib 2014 in
Raleigh, NC. Talk proposals are due TODAY by 5pm PST.

We've got some great proposals in so far, but we still have room for more
this year.

For details about the conference, see
For details about submitting a proposal (it's super easy), see the full
call for proposals below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ranti Junus <>
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 7:14 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib 2014 Call for Proposals

Code4lib 2014 is a loosely-structured conference that provides people
working at the intersection of libraries/archives/museums and technology
with a chance to share ideas, be inspired, and forge collaborations.

The conference will be held at the *Sheraton Raleigh Hotel in downtown
Raleigh, NC from March 24 - 27, 2014*.  For more information about the
hotel, visit

We are currently accepting proposals for prepared talks and
pre-conferences. While only a limited number of these can be selected,
multiple lightning talk and breakout sessions will provide additional
opportunities for you to make your voice heard at the conference.

*Proposals for Prepared Talks:*

Prepared talks are 20 minutes (including setup and questions), and should
focus on one or more of the following areas:

- Projects you've worked on which incorporate innovative implementation of
existing technologies and/or development of new software

- Tools and technologies – How to get the most out of existing tools,
standards and protocols (and ideas on how to make them better)

- Technical issues – Big issues in library technology that should be
addressed or better understood

- Relevant non-technical issues – Concerns of interest to the Code4Lib
community which are not strictly technical in nature, e.g. collaboration,
diversity, organizational challenges, etc.

*To submit a proposal:*

- Go to

- Log in to the wiki in order to submit a proposal. If you are not already
registered, follow the instructions to do so.

- Provide a title and brief (500 words or fewer) description of your
proposed talk.

- If you so choose, you may also indicate when, if ever, you have presented
at a prior Code4Lib conference. This information is completely optional,
but it may assist us in opening the conference to new presenters.

As in past years, the Code4Lib community will vote on proposals that they
would like to see included in the program. This year, however, only the top
10 proposals will be guaranteed a slot at the conference. Additional
presentations will be selected by the Program Committee in an effort to
ensure diversity in program content. Community votes will, of course, still
weigh heavily in these decisions.

Presenters whose proposals are selected for inclusion in the program will
be guaranteed an opportunity to register for the conference. The standard
conference registration fee will still apply.

Proposals can be submitted through Friday, November 8, 2013, at 5pm PST.
Voting will commence on November 18, 2013 and continue through December 6,
2013. The final line-up of presentations will be announced in early
January, 2014.

*Pre-Conference Proposals:*

Pre-conferences are full- or half-day sessions that will be held on Monday,
March 24th, 2014 and can cover just about any topic you can think of [1].

If you are interested in hosting a pre-conference session, please create a
pitch at
Pitches should be added to the wiki by December 6.

Please indicate the topic of your session and your preference for full-day
or half-day.  This is expected to be a fluid process, as our venue provides
some flexibility in determining space.

*Pre-Conference Attendance:*

If you are interested in attending a pre-conference, please list your name
underneath the pre-conference description on the wiki; this does not incur
any obligation on your part, but will help planners. You might want to
visit the page occasionally as new session pitches are added.  Actual,
less-revocable registration for pre-conferences will be handled as part of
the overall conference registration, and will involve a very small fee.

We look forward to reading your proposals, and seeing you at the conference!

Code4Lib 2014 Program Committee

Emily Lynema
Associate Department Head
Information Technology, NCSU Libraries

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