
Al Matthews

Software Developer, Digital Services Unit
Atlanta University Center, Robert W. Woodruff Library
email:; office: 1 404 978 2057

On 11/12/13 9:59 AM, "Andrew Hankinson" <> wrote:

>Just thought I might plug some software we're developing to solve the
>book image navigation "misery" that Kyle mentions.
>and a demo:
>We developed it because we were frustrated with the "image gallery"
>paradigm for book image viewing, and wanted something more like Google
>Books' viewer, but with access to the highest resolution possible. We
>also were frustrated with having to download large PDFs to just view a
>couple pages.
>Diva uses IIP on the back-end to serve out image tiles, so you're only
>ever downloading the part of the image that's viewable -- the rest is
>auto-loaded as the user scrolls.
>We've used it to display a manuscript that's ~80GB (total), with each
>image around 200MB.
>It's also got a couple other neat features, like in-browser
>brightness/contrast/rotation adjustments via canvas. (Click the little
>gear icon in the top left of each page image).
>On 2013-11-08, at 4:22 PM, Kyle Banerjee <> wrote:
>>> It is sad to me that converting to PDF for viewing off the Web seems
>>> the answer. Isn’t there a tiling viewer (like Leaflet) that could be
>>> to render jpeg derivatives of the original tif files in Omeka?
>> This should be pretty easy. But the issue with tiling is that the nav
>> process is miserable for all but the shortest books. Most of the people
>> want to download want are looking for jpegs rather than source tiffs and
>> one pdf instead of a bunch of tiffs (which is good since each one is
>> typically over 100MB). Of course there are people who want the real
>> but that's actually a much less common use case.
>> As Karen observes, downloading and viewing serve different use cases so
>> course we will provide both. IIP Image Server looks intriguing. But
>>most of
>> our users who want the full res stuff really just want to download the
>> source tiffs which will be made available.
>> kyle

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