On Dec 1, 2013, at 9:36 PM, Barnes, Hugh wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Joe 
> Hourcle
>>> (They are on Wikipedia so they must be real.)
>> Wikipedia was the first place you looked?  Not IETF or W3C?
>> No wonder people say libraries are doomed, if even people who work in 
>> libraries go straight to Wikipedia.
> It was a humorous aside, regrettably lacking a smiley.

Yes, a smiley would have helped.

It also doesn't help that there used to be a website out there
named 'ScoopThis'.  They started as a wrestling parody site, but
my favorite part was their advice column from 'Dusty the Fat,
Bitter Cat'.

I bring this up because their slogan was "cuz if it’s on the net,
it’s got to be true" ... so I twitch a little whenever someone
says something similar to that phrase.

(unfortunately, the site's gone, and archive.org didn't cache
them, so you can't see the photoshopped pictures of Dusty
at Woodstock '99 or the Rock's cooking show.  They started up
a separate website for Dusty, but when they closed that one
down, they put up a parody of a porn site, so you probably
don't want to go looking for it)

> I think that comment would be better saved to pitch at folks who cite and 
> link to w3schools as if authoritative. Some of them are even in libraries.

Although I wish that w3schools would stop showing up so highly
in searches for javascript methods & css attributes, they
did have a time when they were some of the best tutorials out
there on web-related topics.  I don't know if I can claim that
to be true today, though.

> Your other comments were informative, though. Thank you :)

I try ... especially when I'm procrastinating on doing posters
that I need to have printed by Friday.

(but if anyone has any complaints about data.gov or other
federal data dissemination efforts, I'll be happy to work
them in)


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