Just a note that yes, the hosting committee was a bit surprised by the
number of scholarships that came in this year! We realized at the last
minute that perhaps we should have discussed a scholarship based SOLELY on
economic need, but there just wasn't the opportunity to thoughtfully
consider changing course for this year at a late date.

It's an idea we put a pin in to suggest to next year's hosts to consider if
a large number of scholarships are available again next year.

And yes, at least one scholarship has been provided in past years through a
collection of small donations from the community itself. So anyone could
organize an additional scholarship. If there is an organization we could
invoice, scholarships could STILL be added to the roster for this year and
handled by the local hosts, as well.



Date:    Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:28:14 -0500
From:    Sarah Shealy <sarah.she...@outlook.com>
Subject: Re: Code4lib 2014 Diversity Scholarships: Call for Applications

It's honestly too late this year to change the entire scholarship system. I
don't disagree that it would be awesome to have scholarships for everyone
who has some sort of economic need, and this is a conversation that should
be had. But there's a lot that goes into opening something up based on
economic status, and while that work would be valuable and awesome, it's a
little late in the game for 2014. There's also the consideration of when to
offer both gender and need-based scholarships, since the number of
scholarships are variable and if there are only two to be awarded then the
historic trend of ethnic/gender based awards should probably be carried
forward. Or not.

I would like to point out that for a lot of white men working in the tech
field, going to a local user group or conference is an easy thing and you
get to see people like you who do the things you do. I had to go to Chicago
last year (I live in SC - and I was a scholarship recipient) in order to
see women doing the same thing that I do. And it was pretty awesome. So I
would vote for always having the ethnic/gender based scholarship simply for
the connection it can give people - it honestly isn't something that be
described. I went from having no cultural touchstones in this area of my
life to having several.

Hopefully this will help turn the tide from "rabble rabble rabble" to
thinking about ways to add to the system - not just overhaul the whole
shebang. I would suggest that some of you who are upset about how things
are run sign up for the Scholarship Committee next year and do some work
from the inside. Because, again, you should have raised your concerns
before we sent out the call. The scholarships happen every year.

Emily Lynema
Associate Department Head
Information Technology, NCSU Libraries

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