*** Apologies for the cross-posting***

For the Code4Lib 2014 Conference, 9 scholarships have been sponsored
to promote diversity. http://code4lib.org/conference/2013/scholarship

CLIR/DLF has sponsored 5 scholarships, EBSCO has sponsored 2
scholarships, ProQuest has sponsored 1 full scholarship, and Sumana
Harihareswara has sponsored half a scholarship which was matched by
ProQuest. All sponsors have left it up to the discretion of the
Code4Lib 2014 Scholarship Committee for how to award these diversity

The Code4Lib Scholarship Committee will award 9 diversity scholarships
based on merit and need. Each scholarship will provide up to $1,000 to
cover travel costs and conference fees for a qualified attendee to
attend the 2014 Code4Lib Conference, which will be held in Raleigh,
North Carolina, from March 24 - 27, 2014.


For more information on the Code4Lib Conference, please see the
conference website:

You can see write-ups of previous Code4Lib Conferences:


To qualify for a scholarship, an applicant must be interested in
actively contributing to the mission and goals of the Code4Lib

- Four scholarships will be awarded to any woman or transgendered person.
- Four scholarships will be awarded to any person of Hispanic or
Latino, Black or African-American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific
Islander, or American Indian or Alaskan Native descent.
- One scholarship will be awarded to the best remaining candidate who
meets any of the previously mentioned eligibility requirements.

Eligible applicants may apply based on multiple criteria, but no
applicant will receive more than one scholarship. Past winners of any
Code4Lib scholarship are not eligible for a scholarship.

The scholarship recipients will be selected based upon their merit and
financial needs.

Scholarship recipients are required to write and submit a brief trip
report to the Code4Lib 2014 Scholarships Committee by April 1, 2014 to
be posted to the Code4Lib wiki. The report should address: (a) what
kind of experience they had at the conference, (b) what they have
learned, (c) what suggestions they have for future attendees and
conference organizers.

All reimbursement forms and receipts must be received by May 26, 2014.


To apply, please send an email to Jason Ronallo (jrona...@gmail.com)
with the subject heading “Code4Lib 2014 Diversity Scholarship
Application” containing the following (combined into a single attached
PDF, if possible):

1. A brief letter of interest, which:
    - Identifies your eligibility for a diversity scholarship
    - Describes your interest in the conference and how you intend to
    - Discusses your merit and needs for the scholarship
2. A résumé or CV
3. Contact information for two professional or academic references

The application deadline is Dec. 13, 2013, 5pm EST. The scholarship
committee will notify successful candidates the week of Jan. 6, 2013.


We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the Code4Lib 2014
Diversity Scholarships.

Council on Library and Information Resources http://www.clir.org/
Digital Library Federation http://www.diglib.org/
EBSCO http://www.ebsco.com/
ProQuest http://www.proquest.com
Sumana Harihareswara http://www.harihareswara.net/

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