Dear list,

I'm writing to invite your participation in a digital media art preservation 
project currently underway at Cornell University.  This project aims to develop 
scalable preservation strategies for complex, interactive, born-digital media 
artworks, using the collections of Cornell's Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media 
Art as a test bed.

In developing a preservation framework that will address the needs of the 
broadest range of archive users, we seek the input of artists, researchers, 
educators, curators, and others who work with interactive digital artworks and 
artifacts.  Would you please take a few minutes to respond to this 
questionnaire<> about 
your practices? (  
Depending on your responses, we estimate that this questionnaire will take 
10-25 minutes to complete.

Information about questionnaire results will be published and made available to 
the broader media archives community.  Read more about this preservation 
 or feel free to contact me at<> for 
more information.

Many thanks for your help with this investigation, and apologies for any 

Yours on behalf of the project team,

Madeleine Casad
Associate Curator, The Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
Curator for Digital Scholarship, DSPS
Cornell University Library

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