Wow — those are great posts.  I’ve been to too many Code4Lib meetings to see 
them through fresh eyes, and I appreciated the thoughtful commentary and 
suggestions from the scholarship winners.  There is a lot of good possibilities 
in those trip reports to build on for future meetings.


On Apr 21, 2014, at 9:31 AM, Jason Ronallo <> wrote:
> Trip reports from Code4Lib 2014 scholarship winners have now been
> published on the wiki:
> I encourage you to read them if you've never been to a Code4Lib
> conference before or care about how we can improve the conference and
> grow the community in future years.
> Thanks to the scholarship winners for their thoughtful reflections on
> their experiences at the conference.
> Thank you for making the scholarship winners and other newcomers feel
> welcomed into the community.
> Thanks to our scholarship sponsors Council on Library and Information
> Resources/Digital Library Federation, EBSCO, ProQuest, and Sumana
> Harihareswara for their generous funding to make these scholarships
> possible.
> Finally, thanks to the members of the scholarship committee for all of
> their work in administering the whole scholarship process: Bohyun Kim,
> Cory Lown, Santi Thompson, and Sarah Shealy.
> Jason

Peter Murray
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