>> mostly because every time this topic comes up people simply respond "No"
without explaining why.

Since I was one of the first to respond with a bare "no," let me explain

Dan didn't seed the discussion in any way. He asked a yes or no question -
"is it time to reconsider a jobs only list."  Without any apparent reason
WHY we should reconsider the topic, I felt the obvious answer was "No." I
also, at the time, didn't feel the need to elaborate on my answer.

I honestly don't care if we keep the job postings on this list or create a
new list. I'm just not interested in the discussion. If Ed, or anyone else,
wants a new list, just do it and tell us about it. It really doesn't matter
either way.


On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 4:33 PM, Richard Sarvas <richard.sar...@lib.uconn.edu
> wrote:

> Actually, I am not complaining. I am just wondering why I am receiving so
> may job postings on a list serve that I though was supposed to be relating
> to Code4Lib conferences and coding in library environments. Had the list
> been called "Code4LibJobs" I suspect I never would have asked the question
> in the first place. As that is not the title of this list I felt it was a
> reasonable question, mostly because every time this topic comes up people
> simply respond "No" without explaining why. When the topic was proposed by
> another member I took the time to seek clarification.
> Still, thanks for taking the time to explain reason why so many job
> postings appear on this list.
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Stuart Yeates
> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 3:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] separate list for jobs
> On 05/07/2014 04:59 AM, Richard Sarvas wrote:
> > Not to be a jerk about this, but why is the answer always "No"? There
> seem to be more posts on this list relating to job openings than there are
> relating to code discussions. Are job postings a part why this list was
> originally created? If so, I'll stop now.
> The answer is always "no" because we are collectively using the the
> possession of an email client with filtering capability and the personal
> knowledge of how to use it as a Shibboleth for group membership. Those who
> find it easier to complain than write a filter mark themselves as members
> of the outgroup intruding on the ingroup.
> cheers
> stuart

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