NZ C4L'ers, or other C4L'ers who fancy a day trip….

I'm delighted to announce that the National Library of New Zealand will be 
running a 2 day "un-conference"  / "Code Jam" type event that will provide 
technical specialists controlled access to Library collections to help us to 
explore long-term preservation issues that surround this invaluable content.

We will be running the event on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th of June 
at the National Library building in Wellington (70 Molesworth Street).

The event is generously sponsored by Catalyst IT, and Revera, who are providing 
technical bits and victuals for the event.

We will be giving access to some considerable resources, including our NZ web 
archives, and even to a copy of GeoCities (a very early web community - 1994 - 
which we know New Zealanders were active in). There will be other collections 
available, and a shopping list of preservation challenges that we're facing 
ranging from tools to do specific preservation functions, a pile of formats to 
derive technical descriptors for, to understanding arcane digital objects to 
ensure we can maintain meaningful access to donated items.

We also have a collection of older bits of technology that could use some TLC, 
so if you're interested in older computers, and like coaxing them to play 
nicely, we've got a job for you…

The event details are here:

The event mailing list is here:

Any questions can be directed at me, or to the mailing list

I hope to see you there!


Jay Gattuso | Digital Preservation Analyst | Preservation, Research and 
National Library of New Zealand | Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
PO Box 1467 Wellington 6140 New Zealand | +64 (0)4 474 3064<>

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