My advise is to get the broadest possible liberal arts education you can as
an undergrad. I went through some big changes in my sophomore year that set
me on a mission to seek that path at the University of Michigan, a huge
school which, at least in in that era, seemed to be focused on prepping
undergrads for their grad school paths. The path I chose was not easy, and
the school was little help, although a lot of my profs were very helpful in
guiding me.

Really, even a surgeon can benefit from Russian lit, a poet can
occasionally draw on organic chemistry, and an attorney can build a case
for differential equations. Librarians, of course, need to know everything.


On Wednesday, May 28, 2014, Riley Childs <> wrote:

> I was curious about the type of degrees people had. I am heading off to
> college next year (class of 2015) and am trying to figure out what to major
> in. I want to be a systems librarian, but I can't tell what to major in! I
> wanted to hear about what paths people took and how they ended up where
> they are now.
> BTW Y'All at NC State need a better tour bus driver (not the c4l tour, the
> admissions tour) ;) the bus ride was like a rickety roller coaster...   🎢
> Also, if you know of any scholarships please let me know ;) you would be
> my BFF :P
> Riley Childs
> Student
> Asst. Head of IT Services
> Charlotte United Christian Academy
> (704) 497-2086
> Sent from my Windows Phone, please excuse mistakes

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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