~~~~~with apologies for duplication

The LITA Program Planning Committee (PPC) is now accepting innovative and 
creative proposals for the 2015 Annual American Library Association Conference. 
 We're looking for full day pre-conference ideas as well as 60- and 90-minute 
conference presentations. The focus should be on technology in libraries, 
whether that's use of, new ideas for, trends in, or interesting/innovative 
projects being explored - it’s all for you to propose. In 2014, we received 
over 60 proposals, resulting in 20 great LITA programs at the 2014 Annual 
Conference, all of which came from contributions like yours. We look forward to 
hearing the great ideas you will share with us this year.

*When/Where is the Conference?*
2015 Annual ALA Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 25 – 30, 2015

*What kind of topics are we looking for? *
We’re looking for programs of interest to all library/information agency types, 
that inspire technological change and adoption, or/and generally go above and 
beyond the everyday.

Some successful topics in the 2014 included: Practical Linked Data with Open 
Source (Full-day preconference); Technology Priorities for the New Library 
Reality; Building Gorgeous Responsive Websites with Twitter-Bootstrap. Some 
topics we are interested in are: library hackathons; data management & 
curation; responsive web design; homegrown technology tools, especially 
projects that adapt popular technologies in use outside libraries, for library 

*When are proposals due? *
September 2, 2014

*How I do submit a proposal? *
Fill out this form http://bit.ly/LiCFP15
Program descriptions should be 75 words or less.

*When will I have an answer? *
The committee will be reviewing proposals after September 2; final decisions 
will be made by October 1.

*Do I have to be a member of ALA/LITA/an IG/a committee?*
No! We welcome proposals from anyone who feels they have something to offer 
regarding library technology. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide 
financial support for speakers. Because of the limited number of programs, LITA 
IGs and Committees will receive preference where two equally well written 
programs are submitted. Presenters may be asked to combine programs or work 
with an IG/Committee where similar topics have been proposed.

*Got another question?*
Please feel free to email me (PPC chair) (dsshap...@wisc.edu


Debra Shapiro
UW-Madison SLIS
Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 4282
600 N. Park St.
Madison WI 53706
608 262 9195
mobile 608 712 6368
FAX 608 263 4849

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