Sara: that is a fabulous idea!

Do you mind if I add you (and Chirstina?) to the wiki page under a new
'childcare committee' heading?  That way the host committee can communicate
with you about assessing needs and feasibility.

- Tom

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Terry Reese <> wrote:

> So, I realize we are a great volunteer organization with lots of
> trustworthy
> folks -- but this is something where if you are going to be offering child
> care, it cannot be by committee or volunteer.  For an event like this, you
> will need to use someone that has been background checked and would need to
> be someone trained to deal with medical issues and handling special needs.
> Fortunately, the Oregon State University Library has a relationship with a
> group that offers child care to students while they are in the library --
> I'm wondering if that group could be hired to provide care for this event
> if
> this was something folks wanted.
> --TR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Salazar, Christina
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 5:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] ACTION REQUESTED: Volunteer for 2015 Conference
> Committees
> YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Anyone else?
> And I am willing to help out in whatever capacity. (You probably don't want
> me taking care of your kids though.)
> The typical obstacle that I've seen in helping/offering childcare has been
> insurance stuff. Just for whatever THAT'S worth...
> Christina Salazar
> Systems Librarian
> John Spoor Broome Library
> California State University, Channel Islands
> 805/437-3198
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> sara
> amato
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 5:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] ACTION REQUESTED: Volunteer for 2015 Conference
> Committees
> Quick question for those planning to attend Code4Lib 2015 -  Would the
> availability of childcare make a difference in your being able to attend?
> If so I'll propose and lead a childcare committee (seeing as I'm almost
> local to it.)
> On Aug 12, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Tom Johnson wrote:
> > The 2015 Code4Lib annual conference may seem like a long way away, but
> > it's already time for various volunteer committees to start work on
> > the planning. As you know, the conference happens each year thanks to
> > the work of the community at large; please take the time to sign up
> > for confrence committees here:
> >
> > *
> > <>*
> >
> > *We especially need people for the Keynote Speakers and Sponsorship
> > committees.* These groups need to begin work ASAP and are short on
> > membership.
> >
> > Thanks to everyone who has already signed up to help!
> >
> > --
> > Tom Johnson
> > on behalf of the C4L15 PDX Team

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