On 8/14/14 4:32 PM, William Denton wrote:
> On 14 August 2014, Eric Hellman wrote:

> Another approach is Tor, both spreading the word about it and how to use
> it properly, and also about running relays and exit nodes on the Tor
> network.  I run a relay myself, and encourage others to do so. 
> Institutions like libraries and universities should be running them---we
> have the bandwidth and computing power and instituional heft---and I
> wonder if anyone here is doing that are their work.

Tor is a good thing, and I use it myself occasionally (more to add to
the user pool and make personal identification harder than for anything
else), but it won't completely stop canvas fingerprinting. I believe Tor
blocks the WebGL API, which helps, but a certain amount of
fingerprinting can be done using the W3C Canvas API, which is still
allowed through.

I've just posted a technical summary of canvas fingerprinting to my File
Formats Blog:


Gary McGath, Professional Software Developer

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