Job: Library Web Designer, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Auburn University

The Auburn University Libraries (AUL) is seeking applications for a Library
Web Designer. This position is part of the Information Technology (IT) suite.
It is based in the AUL Systems Department and reports to the Assistant Dean
for Technology and Technical Services. Under the supervision of the AUL
Assistant Dean for Technology and Technical Services and in close
collaboration with the AUL System Department's software developers, manages
the AU Libraries' overall Web presence in support of the University's
teaching, research, and outreach missions and the Libraries' strategic plan

**Status: **Full-Time  
**Salary Range: **$35,000 - $75,100  
**Job Summary: **Creates static, interactive, and database-driven Web pages 
within the framework of University-mandated design elements. Chairs and 
convenes regular meetings of the AUL Web Advisory Group. Designs and implements 
a comprehensive user experience (UX) testing program; conducts analyzes and 
incorporates user feedback into the website design. Facilitates the 
implementation of new Web-based services by creating templates and forms and by 
reviewing and recommending commercial or open-source utilities. Works closely 
with AUL faculty, staff, and other content providers to design and implement 
customized Web pages and Web exhibits. Analyzes Web-related problems, proposes 
solutions, and monitors results. Teaches and trains AUL faculty and staff in 
the use of Web editing and design tools. Monitors, identifies, and communicates 
to AUL faculty and staff innovative uses of the Web for the delivery of 
resources, services, and information. Represents the AU Libraries on unive!
 rsity, state, regional, and/or national committees and working groups.  
**Full posting/how to apply: **Go to 
 and click on the "Apply For This Posting" button. Please use the attachment 
feature of the online employment system and attach the following: cover letter, 
resume, and references. This is a design position, so a strong background in 
and/or demonstrated skill with visual layout and graphic design is a must. In 
this connection, the candidates' applications must include links to examples of 
their Web design work. Only complete application packets will be considered for 
**Review Date: **09-15-2014  
our policy to provide equal employment opportunities for all individuals
without regard to race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age,
disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, or any other ll
posting/hclassification protected by applicable law.

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