We have a colleague looking into giving our Public Lending Rights system some TLC. This is the process we use to survey any library holdings and count any holdings by New Zealand authors/producers.
I was asked if I knew of any lists of exposed z39.50 endpoints that we could interrogate as part of our holdings survey. I thought this might be something some of you have / could comment on. We're interested in any library, public or private, and will happily take any suggests on or off list, especially if you know of any endpoints that are exposed but not specifically publicised. Thanks in advance Jay Gattuso | Digital Preservation Analyst | Preservation, Research and Consultancy National Library of New Zealand | Te Puna MÄtauranga o Aotearoa PO Box 1467 Wellington 6140 New Zealand | +64 (0)4 474 3064 jay.gatt...@dia.govt.nz<mailto:jay.gatt...@natlib.govt.nz>