Look at marcedit at http://homepages.wmich.edu/~zimmer/marc_index.html

On 8/28/2014 2:26 PM, Schwartz, Raymond wrote:
Anybody know a way to add a MARC tag on-mass to a file of MARC records.  I need to add 
the tag 918 $a with the contents "DELETE" to each of the records.

Thanks in advance. /Ray

Ray Schwartz
Systems Specialist Librarian                         
David and Lorraine Cheng Library               Tel: +1 973 720-3192
William Paterson University                         Fax: +1 973 720-2585
300 Pompton Road                                        Mobile: +1 201 424-4491
Wayne, NJ 07470-2103 USA                        

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