On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Karen Coyle <li...@kcoyle.net> wrote:
> I put this forward not as proof of anything, but to offer that reputation is
> extremely hard to quantify, but should be looked at with a critical eye and
> not taken for granted. It also fits in with what we already know, which is
> that men promote themselves in the workplace more aggressively than women
> do. In fact, in the Wikipedia group, we mainly find articles about men whose
> notability is over-stated. (You can see my blog post on the problems of
> notability for women. [2])
> I greatly admire your stand for free speech. Beyond this, I will contact you
> offline with other thoughts.

Anything quoted in our official public statement (and thus in my
previous email message) is taken directly from Murphy's lawyer's
statement of alleged complaint.



Lisa M. Rabey | @byshieldmaiden (formerly @pnkrcklibrarian)
https://exitpursuedbyabear.net | https://lisarabey.com

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