Web Developer
North Carolina Biotechnology Center

Web Developer


Are you a Drupal rock star? Can you bend style sheets to your will? Do your
non-technical clients sing your praises?

The North Carolina Biotechnology Center needs you! We have an opening for a
Drupal developer to support the technical side of the corporate website, our
intranet, and third-party sites that perform critical business functions.

This job has several parts. First, you'll need to maintain what we have,
including custom modules. Second, you'll work across the Center's many units
to develop new applications, which will include outlining requirements,
development, testing, launch and ongoing monitoring. Third, you'll work
directly with communications to improve site design and more tightly integrate
content (we have more than 4,000 pages!) across the site.
Finally, this position supports our jobs board, which is a Ruby application.

We've said you need to be a Drupal and CSS whiz. Tell us about that. We also
need to know you can interact with your internal clients, and help them to
feel like a part of the process.


Minimum requirements include:

• A four-year degree in a relevant field

• Three years of relevant work in web development

• Experience using Drupal to administer web sites as well as develop custom
modules and themes

• Experience with the development life cycle, working in development/ staging
and production environments

Experience with migrations or connecting Drupal sites to external databases or
systems is a plus.

To apply:

Please email letter of interest and resume to

North Carolina Biotechnology Center

The North Carolina Biotechnology Center is a non-profit organization created
by the North Carolina General Assembly to promote the biotechnology industry
in North Carolina.

The Biotechnology Center's programs touch academic research, small and large
business, education programs, genomics, forestry and even international

Note: The Biotechnology Center does not pay relocation expenses.

The Biotechnology Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Brought to you by code4lib jobs: http://jobs.code4lib.org/job/16792/
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