IE through 9 has word-wrap, word-break and white-space CSS properties that 
would likely work for you. They need a defined container to work, and the 
easiest way is to set your div width to an appropriate percentage.

It is best if you limit their visibility to IE 7-9, and they may generate 
errors in other browsers.



On Oct 13, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Matthew Sherman <> wrote:

> For anyone who knows Internet Explore, is there a way to tell it to use
> word wrap when it displays txt files?  This is an odd question but one of
> my supervisors exclusively uses IE and is going to try to force me to
> reupload hundreds of archived permissions e-mails as text files to a
> repository in a different, less preservable, file format if I cannot tell
> them how to turn on word wrap.  Yes it is as crazy as it sounds.  Any
> assistance is welcome.
> Matt Sherman

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