-- Because Unix is geeky and fun.

-- Because its basic concepts are still visible in GUI computing, like
Latin roots.

-- Because you can say "Well, I could do it in *Unix*" when you can't do
something, even if it's a complete lie.  The illusion of technical
competency is important.  Just make sure the other person knows less than
you do.

-- Because Unix is user-friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

-- Because you can delete everything on the system with a very short

-- Because if Unix were a woman, she would wear black and have funky
glasses. She wouldn't talk much but when she did speak, her comments would
be sparse, direct, and true.  She would be hard to get to know and you
would suspect that she had dual loyalties (to what, you would never be
sure).  When you said the wrong thing, she would just look at you.  Just
look.  Nothing else.  Until you said the right thing.  Then she would
recite obscure poetry at you or turn away and start getting things done.

How can you not fall in love?

-- Susan

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