Take a look here for a fairly lengthy list of OAI end points, including various 
reports of supported metadata formats, xml namespaces, etc.  

Tom Habing

> On Nov 6, 2014, at 3:53 PM, Stuart A. Yeates <syea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm looking for a unusual OAI endpoints (different implementations,
> different metadata schemes or extensions to schemes, different
> structures, unusual content types, etc) to test against. I'm aware of
> the list a couple of mainstream lists of which
> http://www.base-search.net/about/en/about_sources_date_dn.php?menu=2
> is the most comprehensive  the and the live demos of dspace, eprints
> and fedora. But I'm looking for more obscure installs and corner
> cases.
> Does anyone know of any other candidates?
> Implementations known to be buggy, broken or dubious especially welcome :)
> I'll publish a list of endpoints I find useful.
> cheers
> stuart

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