Hi Ester and Tulie,

Thank you for the note and glad to hear that you had a successful first
gathering! If you want to add the website to the list of regional groups on
the wiki [1], that would be great.


The local/regional group list is looking a bit... sparse. If you don't see
your local/regional group listed, feel free to add them to the list [1].

[1] http://wiki.code4lib.org/Main_Page#Local_.2F_Regional_Groups


On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 1:03 AM, Esther Guggenheim <
esther.guggenh...@nli.org.il> wrote:

> We held our first meeting as an un-conference this Sunday, 09/11/2014, at
> the library of the Tel Aviv Museum of Arts and we are exited to bring the
> Code4Lib movement to Israel.
> With about 20 participants we gathered requests for topics to discuss, to
> learn and also what everyone has to share with the community. Discussions
> were held on mobile applications, code maintenance, integration of specific
> databases into ILS and library websites, integration of VuFind, and linked
> data/semantic web. Additional topics were suggested and will be discussed
> by email, in future meetings and smaller groups.
> Code4Lib complements other professional organizations and meetings in
> Israel, but is unique in providing a more informal  platform for direct
> exchange. The participants were all enthuastic and we clearly feel there is
> a need for such oppurtunities.
> We have setup a site at https://code4libisrael.wordpress.com/ and we are
> setting up a mailing list. Summaries of the discussions held at the meeting
> (in Hebrew) and photos  will be posted to the site shortly.
> Tulie Amichal  (tu...@tauex.tau.ac.il<mailto:tu...@tauex.tau.ac.il>) Tel
> Aviv University
> Esther Guggenheim (esther.guggenh...@nli.org.il<mailto:
> esther.guggenh...@nli.org.il>) National Library of Israel

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