NOW AVAILABLE: Fedora 4 Production Release—Not Your Dad’s Fedora Groundbreaking 
new capabilities make Fedora 4 the repository platform of choice for right now 
and into the future.Winchester, MA  The international Fedora repository 
community and DuraSpace are very pleased to announce the production release of 
Fedora 4. This significant release signals the effectiveness of an 
international and complex community source project in delivering a modern 
repository platform with features that meet or exceed current use cases in the 
management of institutional digital assets. Fedora 4 features include vast 
improvements in scalability, linked data capabilities, research data support, 
modularity, ease of use and more.Fedora 4 features were collaboratively chosen 
and developed by a virtual team of developers and stakeholders from around the 
globe. With DuraSpace support this committed team has ensured that Fedora 
Repository software will meet the emerging needs of the academic research 
community now and for the next decade.• DOWNLOAD Fedora 4:• RELEASE NOTES:• 
Community KudosRobin Ruggaber, Chair of the Fedora Steering Group and Library 
Chief Technology Officer at the University of Virginia commented on Fedora’s 
achievements: “The success of the Fedora community today is rooted in the way 
it operates. The community members govern, fund, shape and produce the solution 
to meet global repositories’ needs and performance requirements. The 
development is based on what product owners need and is managed so that 
everyone in the community can contribute without individually exhausting human 
or financial resources. We are maximizing the power of distributed development 
and ownership and are rewarded with a sustainable, low risk, moderate cost 
Stefano Cossu, Director of Application Services, Collections at The Art 
Institute of Chicago offered his reasons for adopting Fedora 4: “We have 
searched far and wide for a system that could store our large and diverse 
collection of art objects and their related assets, integrate in a complex 
architecture of legacy applications and data sources, and make our digital 
resources available in a wide variety of ways. 
We have adopted Fedora 4 very early for its scalability and flexibility in all 
its aspects, its adhesion to solid standards, the project's long-sighted goals 
and the extremely talented and motivated community around it.”
Fedora 4 support for linked data—what it means for youThe broad concept of 
linked data is the idea that the semantic web can connect everything. Fedora 4 
makes that concept real.
With built-in linked data support Fedora 4 offers the ability to develop 
discovery tools in compliance with the W3C Linked Data Platform specification. 
The long-held linked data promise of broad and deeply faceted discovery on the 
open web is based on the concept that information can be exchanged using the 
resource description framework (RDF) as a standard model. The ability to share 
data openly and take advantage of the semantic web means that content is not 
“inside a silo” that can only be discovered and re-used if repository software 
adheres to standardization and interoperability. With Fedora 4 the “Web is a 
repository” providing new kinds of digital collections and data sources for 
services and applications. 
Scalability—how big is bigAs larger data sets, larger files, research data and 
multimedia use cases have emerged in the community Fedora 4 is set to meet the 
challenge of improved scalability. Fedora 4 repositories can manage millions 
and millions of digital files along with extremely large files of any type 
running on top of back-end storage systems. This means that petabytes of 
storage are available to you because Fedora can potentially operate on top of 
any storage system via a pluggable, expandable connector framework.
Flexibility and extensibility—plugging into what worksThe strength of Fedora 
repository software lies in it’s native flexibility and extensibility.  Fedora 
4 architecture builds on a lightweight core model with multiple, pluggable 
components and a standard set of robust APIs.
SecurityFedora 4 provides a pluggable, extensible security framework capable of 
supporting a variety of authorization systems. Two initial systems have been 
implemented—role-based authorization and XACML. A third, based on the emerging 
W3C Web Access Control standard, is currently being planned. By decoupling 
security from the repository core, Fedora 4 supports existing authorization 
standards rather than maintaining a custom security framework.
ClusteringClustering connects multiple Fedora 4 nodes in a network providing 
horizontal repository scaling for high-availability use cases. By configuring 
two or more replicated Fedora 4 nodes to run behind a load-balancer, you can 
evenly distribute web traffic between the nodes to maximize performance. 
Fedora 3.8–a solid release to cap off the 3.0 lineFedora 3.8 has always been 
planned as a part of Fedora 4 development. The aim was to cap off the 3.0 line 
with a solid release for the user community. The Fedora 3.8 release features an 
improved REST API interaction with correct headers returned for better caching 
along with performance improvements and bug fixes.
• DOWNLOAD Fedora 3.8:• 
The Fedora 4 Community of ContributorsMembers
Arizona State University Libraries
Brown University Library
Case Western Reserve University Libraries
Charles Darwin University
Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (CARL)
Columbia University Library
Cornell University
Docuteam GmbH
Durham University
Duke University Libraries
FIZ Karlsruhe
George Washington University
Ghent University Library
Gothenburg University Library
Indiana University
Johns Hopkins University Libraries
La Trobe University
London School of Economics & Political Science
Macquarie University
National Library of Medicine 
National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
National Research Council of Canada
Northeastern University Libraries
Northwestern University Libraries
Ohio State
Oregon State
Pennsylvania State University
Princeton University
Rutgers University Libraries
Smithsonian Institution, Office of Research Infomation Services
Stanford University
State and University Library of Denmark
The Art Institute of Chicago
Tufts University
University of Alberta
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Cincinnati
University of Connecticut Libraries
University of Hull
University of Lausanne
University of Manitoba
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries
University of New South Wales
University of Notre Dame
University of North Carolina
University of Oklahoma Libraries
University of Oxford
University of Pittsburgh
University of Prince Edward Island
University of Rochester Libraries
University of Texas Libraries Austin
University of Toronto
University of Virginia
University of Wisconsin
University of York
Uppsala University Library
Yale University
York University
Sprint Developers
Adam Soroka (University of Virginia)
Andrew Woods (DuraSpace)
Anusha Ranganathan (University of Oxford)
Benjamin Armintor (Columbia University)
Ben Pennell (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Chris Beer (Stanford University)
Eddie Shin (Digital Curation Experts)
Eric James (Yale University)
Esme Cowles (University of California, San Diego)
Giulia Hill (University of California, Berkeley)
Greg Jansen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Jared Whiklo (University of Manitoba)
Jonathan Green (discoverygarden inc.)
Jon Roby (University of Manitoba)
Kevin S. Clarke (University of California, Los Angeles)
Longshou Situ (University of California, San Diego)
Michael Durbin (University of Virginia)
Mike Daines (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Mohamed Mohideen Abdul Rasheed (University of Maryland)
Nigel Banks (discoverygarden inc.)
Osman Din (Yale University)
Paul Pound (University of Prince Edward Island)
Scott Prater (University of Wisconsin)
Vincent Nguyen (Centers for Disease Control)
Ye Cao (Max Planck Digital Library
Yinlin Chen (Virginia Tech)
Yuqing Jiang (discoverygarden inc.)
Community Developers
Aaron Coburn (Amherst College)
Chris Colvar (Indiana University)
Frank Asseg (FIZ Karlsruhe)
Kai Sternad (Independant)
Nikhil Trivedi (Art Institute of Chicago)
Rob Sanderson (Stanford University)
Robin Taylor (University of Edinburgh)
How Does DuraSpace Help?DuraSpace ( works collaboratively with 
organizations that use Fedora to advance the design, development and 
sustainability of the project. As a non-profit, DuraSpace provides business 
support services that include technical leadership, sustainability planning, 
fundraising, community development, marketing and communications, 
collaborations and strategic partnerships and administration.
About FedoraFedora ( is an open source project that 
provides flexible, extensible and durable digital object management software. 
First released in 2004, it has hundreds of adopters worldwide, with deep roots 
in the research, scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage communities. It 
is supported by its community of users, and stewarded by DuraSpace.

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