It appears that the core of my problem was that I was unaware of

Option HttpsHyphens / NoHttpsHyphens

which toggle between proxying on


and allows infinitely nested domains to be proxied using a simple
wildcard cert by compressing things.

The paranoid in me is screaming that there's an interesting brokenness
in here when a separate hosted resource is at,
but I'm trying to overlook that.

...let us be heard from red core to black sky

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Stuart A. Yeates <> wrote:
> Some resources are only available only via HTTPS. Previously we used a
> wildcard certificate, I can't swear that it was ever tested as
> working, but we weren't getting any complaints.
> Recently browser security has been tightened and RFC 6125 has appeared
> and been implemented and proxing of https resources with a naive
> wildcard cert no longer works (we're getting complaints and are able
> to duplicate the issues).
> At 
> there is an interesting solution with multiple wildcards in the same
> cert:
> *
> *.*
> ...
> There is also the possibility that we can just grep the logs for every
> machine name ever accessed and generate a huge list.
> Has anyone tried these options? Successes? Failures? Thoughts?
> cheers
> stuart
> --
> ...let us be heard from red core to black sky

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