> Well, that raises an important question -- whether an 'end user use', or
> other use, do people have examples of neat/important/useful things done
> with linked data in Europe, especially that would have been harder or less
> likely without the data being modelled/distributed as linked data?

I'm sure they're doing quite a few things in Europe, but there is also
practical stuff going on with linked data in the US. Eagle-i which aims to
facilitate sharing of biomedical research. My guess is that a number of
people working on that are on this list.

At my own institution, research is being done on using ontology and linked
data to diagnose diseases. The method requires huge amounts of data, but it
potentially allows diagnosis of problems that could not be discovered any
other way. One of the people working on that group was hired by Tesla last
year -- they apparently use linked data to solve problems internally, but
I'm not sure what.


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