The OPF-Labs is not new... it's not so obvious in the USA but the hackathons 
that OPF has sponsored all have connections to the data on the OPF labs.  One 
recent hackathon, last year, in the USA was on UNC Chapel Hill on Digital 
Forensics.  The OPF labs is a great place to check for work that's already been 
started on solutions as well as data sets that can be used to test the 
solutions provided by archives/libraries that have specific use cases.

Kari Smith
MIT Institute Archives and Special Collections

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 4:46 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] OPF Knowledge Base Wiki

I just came across this wiki [],
and wondered if it was new. I've been following and assisting (in small
ways) with COPTR and DigiPres Commons but didn't know about this resource.

PS: Did OPF recently re-brand? I thought they were the Open Planets Foundation? 
I like the change as it is more reflective of the organization's work.

Tod Robbins
Digital Asset Manager, MLIS | @todrobbins <!/todrobbins>

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