Project Archivist
Wellesley College

The Wellesley College Archives is seeking a motivated, enthusiastic Project
Archivist to work on the arrangement and description of the records of the
Wellesley Centers for Women. The full-time position is for a one-year limited
term. The Project Archivist is responsible for working independently to
appraise, organize, arrange, describe, and provide access to archival
collections that are primarily paper but include a variety of media. The
Project Archivist will use ArchivesSpace and should be familiar with using
institutional repositories.

Trained archivist with MLS from ALA-accredited library school or equivalent

May also be in process of earning an MLS degree.

Demonstrated archival processing experience.

Comfort with archival standards and practices and web-based archives
management tools.

Knowledge of or interest in gender-focused research preferred.

Tolerance for dusty environments and ability to lift record cartons up to 30
lbs. required.

Wellesley College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, and we
are committed to increasing the diversity of the college community and the
curriculum. Candidates who believe they can contribute to that goal are
encouraged to apply.

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