Laura, is it an option to migrate the literary content into a TEI form? You
could consolidate the objects that make up a single text into a single
complex object, with embedded metadata (at whatever level you like), and
then wheel in some existing TEI content management / presentation system.

On 29 January 2015 at 10:11, Laura Buchholz <> wrote:

> The short answer is that what we have right now is document-type items
> (pages of books or letters, front and back of a map), but that might grow
> in the future to include video or multiple views of art objects. The
> documents are the main concern right now.
> Most of our compound objects in contentdm are really just items that are
> made up of multiple files (10 tiffs corresponding to 10 pages of a book),
> so those are easy enough to deal with in the new system--there is no part
> level metadata to display. There are others where there was a desire to
> provide a method of navigation based on titles, similar to bookmarks in a
> pdf, so that navigation has to go somewhere. And still others (a couple of
> rare books) where there are keywords or descriptions that are unique to
> each page, and it is necessary to display that page level metadata. There
> might also be something like a literary magazine, where there is a desire
> to record the titles and authors of each poem/story/etc and to display that
> info somewhere. We have one publication where we crop out articles to add
> as single items, in addition to adding and displaying the whole issue. It
> can get tedious to crop those.
> The easiest would be to just avoid recording part level metadata, or to add
> it in the main record, but since it is provided now in the current system,
> we can't really take it away. And cropping things is no fun.
> Thanks!
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Kyle Banerjee <>
> wrote:
> > The best way to display compound objects really depends on the nature of
> > the compound objects. For example, the optimal display for a book stored
> as
> > a compound object will be very different than an art object taken from
> > various vantage points or a dataset. Likewise, whether you can get away
> > with not creating/displaying metadata for components of compound objects
> > depends on the use case. If you could say a bit more about what kind of
> > compound objects you have and what system(s) you are migrating to, people
> > could probably give you better advice.
> >
> > kyle
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Laura Buchholz <
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > We're migrating from CONTENTdm and trying to figure out how to display
> > > compound objects (or the things formerly known as compound objects) and
> > > metadata for the end user. Can anyone point me to really good examples
> of
> > > displaying items like this, especially where the user can see metadata
> > for
> > > parts of the whole? I'm looking more for examples of the layout of all
> > the
> > > different components on the page (or pages) rather than specific image
> > > viewers. Our new system is homegrown, so we have a lot of flexibility
> in
> > > deciding where things go.
> > >
> > > We essentially have:
> > > -the physical item (multiple files per item of images of text, plain
> > > text, pdf)
> > > -metadata about the item
> > > -possibly metadata about a part of the item (think
> title/author/subjects
> > > for a newspaper article within the whole newspaper issue), of which the
> > > titles might be used for navigation through the whole item.
> > >
> > > I think Hathi Trust has a good example of all these components coming
> > > together (except viewing non-title metadata for parts), and I'm curious
> > if
> > > there are others. Or do most places just skip creating/displaying any
> > kind
> > > of metadata for the parts of the whole?
> > >
> > > Thanks for any help!
> > >
> > > --
> > > Laura Buchholz
> > > Digital Assets Specialist
> > > Reed College
> > > 503-517-7629
> > >
> > >
> >
> --
> Laura Buchholz
> Digital Assets Specialist
> Reed College
> 503-517-7629

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