This really speaks to the c4l who’s-in-charge-here / nobody is in charge / take 
the ball and run with it zeitgeist.

We have one person — Ryan Wick — who carries most of the load for the website 
and the wiki. I don’t think that he, or anyone else, takes responsibility for 
organizing the content. From here,it looks like everything is a mix of 
tradition and fire prevention. Accordingly, this year we had:

— The conference web pages on
— The usual assortment of pages on
— The newcomer dinner page on Google Docs
— Stuff on Eventbrite

Resulting in a mix of the usual symptoms:

— No single place to find stuff
— Conflicting information
— Not clear editorial policy

So, what do we do, and who is this “we," anyhow?

The conference organizers have control, in theory, but I think that they are 
understandably loath to mess with the traditional mix. There is no place for 
them to ask a question and get a single, cogent, authoritative answer.

Code4lib itself isn’t really a thing, just an us, and we have been loath to 
form standing committees, although we have done that after a fashion for 
scholarships and the Journal. I think that the time has come for a Code4lib 
communications task force —I love that name — to address the structure of our 
public-facing resources. Any takers.

In lieu of blessings from an executive structure, the task force can do 
something with pasta to confirm its authority.

Any takers?



> On Feb 13, 2015, at 12:53 PM, Heller, Margaret <> wrote:
> I think Sarah is absolutely right that we should have updated the conference 
> information page with information about streaming, as I don't think most 
> people not attending the conference would think to look at the wiki. Even if 
> everyone forgot to do it during the conference that's a note to the future to 
> remember to do it during the conference, and I've edited the page at 
> to give the link to the YouTube channel.
> And thanks so much video team!
> Margaret Heller
> Digital Services Librarian
> Loyola University Chicago
> 773-508-2686
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Sarah 
> Weissman
> Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 2:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4LibCon video crew thanks
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Francis Kayiwa <> wrote:
>> Planning these things is tough work with numerous moving parts. Could 
>> it have been posted once we were underway? Perhaps. That said there 
>> was 450 odd people who were there none of whom (the author included) 
>> thought to send a message on availability of video to this listserv. 
>> (I know for certain it was tweeted and re-tweeted)
> I see what you are saying. I realize that logistics are tricky. I would have 
> probably missed a mailing list message if it had come last minute. And I 
> wasn't checking Twitter in a timely manner for updates on a conference I 
> wasn't attending and therefore wasn't all that aware of the exact timing of. 
> (Perhaps this is a great time to bump that librarians list to a more visible 
> position in my Twitter feed...)
> And I should say that I'm glad that there is video to watch at all and 
> grateful to the volunteer videographers that made it happen.

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