I will be interested, but need to be at the very "beginner's level"

Larisa Smyk
Library Associate
Cataloguing and information services
University of Waterloo Library
ON, Canada

For those who attended the conference in Portland there was a talk by Coral 
Sheldon-Hess where she introduced the idea of a Code Club. If you didn't see it 
check out the talk's slides and description 
at:http://code4lib.org/conference/2015/sheldon-hess. But, for the tl;dr version 
here it is: read code with other like minded individuals so you can become a 
better programmer.

Which in turn inspires some of us who attended the conference t look for other 
catalogers/hackers/programmers interested in Python and MARC records. We'd like 
to do a club centered on the PyMARC library. If that piques your interest 
please send an email to Richard Tan <r...@library.berkeley.edu> and Sean Chen 
<slc.c...@gmail.com>.  We are happy to get something started but we’d like to 
hear from others about this endeavor.

Best regards,


Sean Chen <slc.c...@gmail.com>

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